Prostate Cancer Insurance Cover 

An estimated 24,500 cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in Australia in 2023.

Prostate cancer represented 27% of all cancer diagnoses in men in 2022

Around 3,500 Australian men died of prostate cancer in 2022

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What Is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer develops because of abnormal cells that form and mutate in the prostate gland. Around one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer by the time they are 85.

There are three stages of prostate cancer that are commonly referred to as localised (or early) prostate cancer, where cancer cells have grown but do not spread beyond the prostate, locally advanced prostate cancer, where cells have spread to nearby parts of the body or glands and metastatic prostate cancer, where cancer cells have spread to parts of the body that are further away.

Early prostate cancer often does not cause symptoms. With advanced prostate cancer, symptoms may include frequent urination, pain while urinating or blood in your urine.

A number of tests can help in the detection of prostate cancer. The most common is a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Elevated PSA may indicate a problem in the prostate however, some men with prostate cancer don’t display elevated PSA, and the test may also detect cancerous cells that are growing slowly and don’t require medical treatment.

If the results of your PSA test are concerning, your doctor may recommend repeat testing and, if the results are still a concern, may refer you to a urologist for further testing.

Does Trauma Insurance Cover Prostate Cancer?

Trauma insurance pays a lump sum on conditions such as prostate cancer (subject to meeting the definitions as listed in the insurer’s PDS). Depending on the type of Trauma cover, partial payments are also applicable for less severe prostate cancer or early-stage diagnoses. Trauma Insurance for prostate cancer can help protect your family when you’re unable to continue working in the event you receive a diagnosis. 

If you currently have a Trauma insurance policy in place or would like to speak to a qualified financial adviser about taking out Trauma insurance, please get in touch or call us on 1800 737 926.

– The information provided here is general only and does not consider your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before you decide to purchase a product, it is important to read the relevant PDS.