When it comes to buying insurance it’s important to make sure you evaluate all your options in order to find a policy that fits your needs. Doing this on your own can often be difficult and time-consuming. This is where partnering with an experienced risk insurance broker comes in. Below are our top 6 reasons to use an insurance broker.

  • Expert advice– Engaging with a qualified risk insurance adviser gives you the advantage of obtaining expert advice from someone who understands the market, the differences in insurers and how to best set up an insurance policy which will protect you and your family should something happen.
  • We work for you not the insurer– We do whatever is necessary when dealing with the insurers not only at the time of application but when changes need to be made or claims are lodged
  • We make life simpler– Taking out a life insurance, Trauma, TPD or Income Protection policy can be both time consuming at confusing. There are many variables including how the policy is set up, which insurer to go with based on price, policy wording, claims reputation and so on. We do all of this for you for no cost to you the client.
  • Claim assistance service– Making a claim can be one of the most stressful times in someone’s life which is why we offer a claims service which in almost all cases is free. We support our clients every step of the way and provide updates from the insurers claim department from start to finish.
  • Ongoing admin support– Our service doesn’t stop once you have taken out an insurance policy. We provide ongoing admin support with necessary things such as changing beneficiaries and updating client details with the insurer.
  • Reviewing your insurances at renewal – Each year we touch base with clients to make sure the insurance policies in place are still suitable as well as making sure they still provide value.

Now that you know the top 6 reasons to use an insurance broker it’s time to get started. Working with a broker can be beneficial however, it’s also important to find one with experience in finding the best coverage options. Our team here at the insurance quoter take the time to get to know you and assess your individual needs when looking at your insurance.

We offer coverage options from a range of insurers. Some of our options include life insurance, Income protection, Trauma insurance, TPD insurance, along with Keyman & Business Insurance

Give us a call today to get started working with our friendly team.